WEPCo Limited and Flintshire County Council Education Department (as joint Applicant) are intending to apply for planning permission to Flintshire County Council (FCC) for the following:
“Proposed development of Mynydd Isa Campus, a new co-located nursery, primary and secondary school at the Argoed High School site, including the demolition of all existing buildings, the erection of new Net Zero Carbon in operation campus, school sports facilities, vehicular, pedestrian and cycle accesses, car and cycle parking, landscaping, drainage and associated infrastructure.”
Formal pre-application consultation (PAC) on the draft Mynydd Isa Campus planning application commenced on the 22 July 2021 and will end on the 23 August 2021.
Copies of the draft planning application documents including the proposed application, the plans and supporting documents are available to view online here and during this period you are provided with the opportunity to comment directly on the draft application prior to its submission to FCC as the local planning authority (LPA).
The subsequent planning application will be publicised by the relevant LPA and any comments provided in response to the draft application will not prejudice your ability to make representations to the LPA on the related planning application. You should note that any comments submitted may be placed on the public file.
Anyone who wishes to make representations about the proposed development must write to the applicant/agent via email mynyddisacampus@arup.com or by post to Mynydd Isa Campus, Arup, 4th Floor, 4 Pierhead Street, Cardiff CF10 4QP by 23 August 2021.
Full Draft Planning Application
Draft Planning Application Form
Planning Statement
Design & Access Statement
Supporting drawings
Supporting reports
- Ecological implications Assessment – Argoed High School – Mynydd Isa Campus
- Phase I Geo-Environmental Desk Study
- Tree Survey, Arboricultural Implications Assessment & Method Statement
- R03-ah-School Travel Plan (210719)
- FL0101-ARP-01-00-RP-C-20001 Drainage Strategy
- R01-ah-Transport Assessment-PAC Submission (210719) Issued (small)
- Phase II Geo-Environmental Assessment
- Noise impact assessment report_issue
- Energy Assessment and Environmental Strategy
- FL0101-ARP-XX-XX-SP-E-00003 – Floodlight Assessment V4
- FL0101-ALA-00-XX-RP-L-0001 Landscape Visual Appraisal Report P02
- Coal Mining Risk Assessment – Mynydd Isa_ISSUE